Author Archives: admin

Automated Transformation of Component-based Software Architecture Models to Queueing Petri Nets

New paper accepted at MASCOTS 2011: “This paper contributes a formal mapping from PCM to QPN models, implemented by means of an automated model-to-model transformation as part of a new PCM solution method based on simulation of QPNs. The limitations of the mapping and the accuracy and overhead of the new solution method compared to existing methods are evaluated in detail in the context of five case studies of different size and complexity. The new solution method proved to provide good accuracy with solution overhead up to 20 times lower compared to PCM’s reference solver.”

Three papers accepted at QoSA 2011

Three new papers have been accepted at the 7th International ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA’11), which will be held in Boulder, Colorado, USA in June: